Thursday, April 9, 2009



As of now, I am completely, utterly, and disbelievingly in shock and startle to the point of numb and deaden-ly frozen. Why? Oh… damn...

Liverpool LOST.

In the Champion League.

To Chelsea…



Sob… sob…

I guess the saying that we live in a circle is true… Sometimes we’re up. And sometimes we’re down..

Hm… Did you know that ‘sob’ is also a shortened saying of ‘son of a bitch’? Yeah, exclude the ‘a’.

Hee… *grimaces*

I’m mourning now. Please excuse my rude comment…


On the bright side, I just came back to a trip to KL! With my roomies of last semester; Ajue, Shu, Maklang, and Tinie.

It was SO f**king fun!

And tired as well. Huhu!

Where to start, eh? Hm… First we went to Times Square as the monorail dropped us there, then to Pavilion to eat, then to Red Box to karaoke til my voice hoarse, then eat again at KFC but I don’t remember the name of the place, then to Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman to shop til I drop (nearly), then to SOGO since Tinie needed to find herself a jeans, then to KLCC to eat and to shop til I drop as well!! (books, this time. At Kinokuniya. Duh).

I know have a complete book set of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Yay!

All this were done in a course of two days, by the way. It doesn’t sound much, I know. But if you do it with the right company, then it’s a total mayhem. And damn enjoyable, of course.


When can we do it again, guys? *winks*


Guess who we bump into at Pavilion? Nad and Sue. A total shock, if you ask me.

It IS a small world, isn’t it?


KL offers a HELLACIOUS lot of entertaining, isn’t it? But I never see myself settle there long time. Never. The crowd… The vehicles… The traffic jams... I can’t stand it. When I stood on a bench of one of the main road on the way to Pavvy, I saw, sort of like, my time has frozen, and everybody else’s times are rushing forward. Or maybe it was me being all snail-like. Ekeke… But, Negeri Sembilan, Kuantan for instance, I can manage. But KL? Man, not in a million years. Some people would probably call it lively. But it’s like swarming bees for me. Everybody is buzzing and they didn’t stop.

But it IS our mother nation. So I guess it’s fair enough. Huhu!


I just got back from the shop. Little bro wants a mechanical pencil. I swear kids these days are WAY demanding than they supposed to be. I used a mere wood pencil when I was his age, you know… *shakes head*

Anyway, back to the shop. When waiting in the car for my brother, I noticed these two kids coming out of the shop my bro just got in. I thought they’re siblings. The sister was about 13 to 14 years old and the brother just 4 or 5 years old. What captivates me was the way the brother looked at his sister. She was tall and the boy had to look way upward to meet his sister’s face and that didn’t seem to bother him. Then he did this dodging-bullets-like-one-of-the-characters-in-Wolverine-movie kind of thing, as if to impress his sister. It’s cute and even though she didn’t even seem interested, he continuously telling the sister his story, all the while trying to catch his sister’s attention. His look was kind of like full of adoration, really.

It really was cute...

All rightie!

I wanna go watch Heroes at StarWorld now.

That’s it, then!


2 critics:

Crayzee Writers said...


Hey...i knew that u r g0ing 2 write sumeting bout liverpool losing to chelsea...
sory bout that...
but maybe they will bounce bax n win nex game.

Crayzee Writers said...

powerangers said:

i hope so...

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