Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Help! I am trapped!

by farah_prong@yahoo.com.my

Phew...4 the past few days I was so caught up in my laziness till I felt so trapped inside. I am torn in a mad desire 2 go 2 sleep like a coma patient and not sleeping like a total zombie. I think that I am losing my marbles now. It is crazy in my head. A total chaos. Hell broke loose. I dont know what I want. I cant think but at the same time, I am thinking bout things that I am not thinking about and that makes my head hurt...okay. Now I am incoherently rambling about stuff that I dont understand. Ritey. My piece of mind...Hurm...


The darkness is compressing
Sealing me tight
The worriness is depressing
Killing me inside

I am trapped
In the catacomb of my mind
Lost in my head
Headache is not that kind

The air is gone
The sickening aura is back
The tension is looming
My inside has finally cracked

Sleep comes to claim me
But my eyes wont oblige
The catacomb is closing
Swiftly in a glide

Wow...tonight is bizarre...it is weird.sorry folks. Even I dont undrstand me.

Okay then.
See you when we'll see you.