Sunday, April 12, 2009

Before and After


I love reading. You all might already know that. However, although the Stephanie Meyer fever had started out months before this, I never really caught it. I don't know why but at first, when I read her books, I was like;

'Oh...Okay.Her books arenot that bad. Boring but okay.'

I never really READ the books. I merely skimmed the words and most of the words usually lulled me to sleep. No offense. I was never into that books before. Then, starting from last two weeks ago, I started to read them and this is my thought;

'What? What happened next?'

and I was having books-marathon. I couldn't put that books until I finished reading all four and it took me three days without sleeping and 4 more days to finally read them all. It usually takes me a day to finish one good book but I got too intense and reading carefully and absorb all the feelings in the books that it took me a week to finish reading.

In the 'New Moon', I was sobbing and crying along with Bella's pain. The sadness just engulfed me, making me almost numb. All the time I was reading 'New Moon' my heart just ache, her feeling was so real, it tore my heart to pieces. So I was like,

'Wow. How could she survived?'

And after putting that book down, I dashed for the next book beacuse I NEED to know what will happen next. Phew!

I guess I never really wanted to read Stephanie because I figure that I was like a betrayal to JR Ward and her books. For those who didn't know, JR Ward is like a legend in vampire books. Her books was of course, very mature but loving. Thus I knew that somehow, Stephanie might capture my heart with her writings and thus, I try to avoid temptation. But I guess that I failed. I read the books and was swept from my feet. I am head over heels with this book and you know what, I might like the film. Hahaha...

Oh yes, I didn't watch the film as actually, I didn't want to admit that Robert Pattinson looks cool and vampire-like in that movie. Heck! I love him. There. I admit it already.

So, thanks Stephanie for your wonderful books.

Okay then.
See you when we'll see you.

7 critics:

Crayzee Writers said...

powerangers said

i ABSOLUTELY understand how u must b feeling
feels it a couple times a month 2 b honest

bunga_lily εїз said...

akak powerangers n akak farah prong...

sayer ade soklan...

all 4 books altogether how much yek?

thinking of buying them la....


Crayzee Writers said...

powerangers said

oke, adek ili..
kalu buku ak la kn

Twilight = RM35.50
New Moon = RM39.50
Eclipse = RM49.90
Breaking Dawn = RM49.90
= RM174.80

Then again, ak bli separately. And since time ak bli Eclipse 2, dye fresh lg bru kuar dr lori, so harga mhl sket r. tnda harga pn x smpt truk lg. and Breaking Dawn lak mhl coz its thicker than d rest.

But if u go check Kinokuniya, de edition yg dye jual 4-4 tros, all 4 of which are hard cover. price: RM200 over. Hey, its worth it, u know. soon than u know it, u'll b smooching all over d books, I'm sure. I was like that, u know. and still am. proudly. Ekekeke...

bunga_lily εїз said...


agak tinggi ek..

xdek la smpi nk g kat kinokuniya...

jaoh beb...

ka kuantan suda...


sure u r....



. said...

sy guna duit elaun bln dpn beli buku jr wards pulak..
suka sunguh habiskan duit sy..
pndai tul hasut org beli buku..
da lar ari tu dah berhabis beli twilight saga..
tapi sy suka.. hehe..
xrasa membazir pun.. (n_n)
ada buku baru..
bagi tau ek.. hehe

Crayzee Writers said...


waa...tinie nak crossed to the dark side!!
A'an...cpt slmtkan minda tinie....
sure ke nak baca JR Ward?
JR 2 lagi intense dr Stephanie tau...
eyh tinie...
bukan awak spend RM 150 je ke beli stephanie's collection?
kata nak beli the Gift from Cecilia.
jd x tinie?

Crayzee Writers said...

powerangers said

fara's rite, tinie..
not dat i dun want u 2 read it, but
4 d sake of ur mind, u better don't
rated tok JR Ward: 18PL
but if u want 2 try, b my guest!
bley kte discuss bout it like we did on Stephenie Meyer's

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