Me and Farah had co-curriculum class diz morning. Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah to be exact. I still can't quite believe that I join this club. It's my last resort, to be honest and mainly because the 'other' club was just to stupid and such a-shit to accept me.
Oh, well..
It's bad, how I started my day today. I woke up so very late, approximately 45 minutes after the intended time (I think it's partly because I cried a bucket watching 'A Millionnaire's First Love' last night. It's so sad!!). So I confess I didn't take my bath before going to the meeting *grins toothily* But hey! I did brush my teeth and washed my face, all right!
And there was another shitty thing happened at the PBSM meeting this morning as well. For this week, we learnt the CPR procedure. You know how some people would have troubles with doing the practical part so they record it instead. Now, Farah already had her recorded part, but it was still not that clear since she didn't recorded it up close. Then there was this chinese guy in their VAD who did. So, she decided to asked him if he could bluetooth it to her. You know how when we're studying, we share any informations that we have with our friends, right? Doesn't matter if that friend if someone we hardly know but still, this is knowledge we're talking about. So if it's me, honestly, I don't mind sharing. Really.
Back to this chinese guy and Farah. So she asked him if he would bluetooth the video to her. And you know what he replied? (this part happened right in front of my eyes, you see)
"No, I'll not give it to you,"
and the next sentence:
"No, I'm not willing,"
and I can still remember his face when he said this with complete clarity. How dare he, saying those right in front of someone's face? Have he no consideration? Okay, okay. You don't want to give it to people. Fine. But can't you please speak politely, please? Say things like, 'Oh, my bluetooth's no working, maa. Sorry' or something. Is it so hard in saying 'I'm sorry'? I feel like slapping him, I really am. Such attitude. Maybe he can just shrunk in hell where he belonngs.
I don't get what's the problem. 1 Malaysia, huh? ('__')
I meant to post a poem this time round, actually. But blurting this out seems more of a priority at the moment. Huhu..
Well, that's that for now, folks!
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