Monday, March 9, 2009



It's an utter bliss
Such calm
Whenever you're in my arms
Sniff of those parchment inks
The pages of pages
The lines of lines
The words

Such intensity
Requires nothing but thou free will
Demands nothing but of thee to see
The happiness
The willingness
Bury those of thou noses
Swim in the innuendos
Feel of the mundane universe
Such bliss

And this is another photo of which I came across as well!

I am very fond of it, I tell you. Really. Pity I couldn't remember the drawer's name (again, folks, this picture is not mine. Just here for public display) A wolf as the father, a cheetah as the mother, and a tiger cub as the child. I think the meaning is quite clear isn't it? Love knows no boundaries.
And why animals? I think it's because they love their kind best. Unlike us, humans. Don't you think?

Well, that's it, folks!