The wane on street
The day ceased to night
The end of another bloom
The post of a halt
He’s a shade
The lines wrinkled skin
The blur of visions
The turn of bones
The gauche steps
He’s old
The vacant stare
The dirt of cloth
The pavement he sat
The resemblance of corpses
He’s abandoned
The outstretch hands
The tremor of plea
The wanton of shelter
The shattered pride
He’s a beggar
The lone figure
The once father
The past other half
The precedent happiness
He suffers
The future unknown
The night hesitant
The day aghast
The past condone
He dies
You know, I saw these people everyday. I always wonder what could've made them end up like that...
O~kay... Enough on the creative writing part.
Something had happened recently and I'm extremely, I mean EXTREMELY, infuriated by it. There's just this bulletin in MySpace (you know, I DO socialize once in a while...). I simply CANNOT believe that I used to approve him of being one of my friends in MS. You know what he posted in his bulletin? Oh, my God... He used all this FOUL words against Liverpool. LIVERPOOL I tell you! The best ruddy football team in the universe and he dared to make comments on it. And not just any comment! You should have seen all the words he used. I'll highlight one of it here...
Bab1... (you know the pink creature some humans eat?)
And he implied those words to all Liverpool fans as well! You get what I mean??!! Goddamnit! Really! If he has something to say, why can't he just keep it to himself! Don't blab it around! He'll take someone's eyes' out! Me, for instance. He has gone not just a toe, but his whole frickin leg out of line. So I did what I had to do and implied of the same words to him and his frickin team. Do not judge me. I'm not childish, I tell you. It's his fault if he is a shithead and it is MY duty to remind him of THAT.
Oh, did you know? Liverpool is gonna go against Manchester United this Saturday at 8.45 PM. It's gonna be BIG, I tell you, BIG! I'll be rooting for you, Liverpool! Just go for it!!

All hail, Liverpool!!
Well, that's it, folks!