Sunday, May 24, 2009




I have just got back from Putrajaya visiting my sick uncle (he just had an operation) and before I started rambling, i would like to post in my cute 'buah hati kecik' pictures.

You can ignore my pics behind...ekekeke...


My post DON'T.

Remember one radio advertisement at ERA once? It goes like this (as far as I can remember)...

Nama saya Jangan
Hari-hari mak cakap 'Jangan'
Saya korek hidung,
Mak kata 'Jangan...'
Saya masukkan dalam mulut
Mak jerit 'Jangan!'

It is longer than that but I can't remember it all. It has been for a while since the commercial was aired. It was cute and funny.


I am going to talk about myself today. Don't. It is a word that adults love to use. Don't do this, Don't do that, Do not walk like this, Do not talk like that and bla bla bla...

Well, I hate that word when it is uttered with instruction. Have you ever had that day when you suddenly is inspired to actually do house chores without being forced to do it? A day when you willingly and sincerely wanted to do that for your self-satisfaction. It happened to me once in a blue moon...ekekeke...

The thing is that my mood will died as soon as my parent mentioned 'Don't....'
It might goes like this,

'Don't sweep the house like that, do like this...'


'Don't wipe that car like that, wipe it like this'

I know that they meant no harm. They are just trying to correct what is wrong. However, when it happened to me in that once-in-a-blue-moon stuff, I will immediately lost focus and all that good will, good intention, sincerity and kindness are all lost along the way...

So, in conclusion, I hate that word when it is used in that way.

Okay, I have lost all my ideas...


See you when we'll see you!

5 critics:

. said...

besar nyer mata dia..

the baloney said...

your "buah hati kecik" is super cute!!!!

bunga_lily εїз said...

taqim sentiase cute~
about ur post,yep,i agree with u....
same like me...

Nabil JD said...

ak mmg jenis pantang sikit ngan perkataan don't aka jgn or any other instruction. kalau ak ngah rajin jgn tegor atau sambung request suh bt tu bt ni..

ak akan benti kat mane ak ngah bt keje tu as soon as ade org bg instruction.. pastu ak bt bodo je r.. huhuhu..

burok perangai ak kan..

Crayzee Writers said...


imani: mmg...mata dier besor...sbb 2 dier bertambah2 comey...

chocolatte: of coz dier super kawaii...tgk cazen sblh dier r..ekekeke....

illi: tengkiu....same r kte eyh...

N.J: waaa.....x sangke de geng....ingatkan ak sorang jek rasa g2...ekekeke

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