Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Speaking of Mother's Day


It's already 12.35 am in the morning and I have a major headache. It's all because I nearly drive myself crazy these few days searching in the net things that is known as an obsession. It's already morning and right now I am currently listening to Kim Jaejoong's Insa. The song itself is amazing but the only problem is that it drives myself to tears.

I don't know why I'll turn to emotional whenever I hear this song. It's different than other songs that I usually commented on. The violin piece is just amazing. It clenches my heart, if you know what I mean.


Or maybe I am simply sad because of the topic Farah had just raised. MOTHER'S DAY GIFT. You know, I used to hear a story regarding this someone giving her mother a Mother's Day present. She bought her a wristwatch. Bought using the money she saved especially for this occasion. Forgive her forgetfulness but unfortunately she got her mother's wrist size wrong. Probably just a millimeter short but still usable though it'll be a bit tight.

You know how should a present be accepted, right? No matter ridiculous, cheap, or whatever that present is, ACCEPT it and be grateful. It is a gift. The fact that someone is willing to give you a present is just... great, isn't it? It means that person remembers you and values you. But unfortunately, the mother doesn't think so. She said to her daughter:

"Next time you want to get me a present, don't buy a wristwatch,"

When I heard that story... oh, God. I know she's a mother. The daughter's heaven is at her mother's two feet. But still, don't you think? A simple gratitude is all she ask or even a simple smile just. If I am the daughter, I'll be like... 'Mum? Is this you?'

Don't worry, my mother has safely received her Mother's Day present and I know she stores it deep within her closet. Hihi..


Damn... Midnight really does starving you, doesn't it? My stomach is grumbling just now. And it's cold. I left the window to my room open since after Maghrib to keep the temp cool. If not, it'll be stifling hot. Like you're standing in a parking lot of a hyper market.

And Gom player has just played Insa for the 10th time. But I don't get tired of it. Ok, one more time and I'll be crashing on my bed.


I think I'm gonna cry. The song! Damn it.
So that's that, then...

4 critics:

Crayzee Writers said...


A'an. Ko dah gle ke?
Fanatik nie...

Crayzee Writers said...

powerangers said

the name speaks for its owner doesn't it?
'CRAYZEE writers'

n i hope diz obsession wud go(even though i dun wan it 2 go).
it hurts.

Crayzee Writers said...


You are really obsesses.
Ko x penah se - obsesses ini dgn BSB...
Wake up!
(shakes) (shakes)

the-amalina said...


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