Thursday, April 30, 2009

MIA report!!!



OMG! Miss Ayu just called me and said that my report that I have posted via pos laju haven't reached the college yet! Nervousness started to eat me from inside. I am SCARED! What will happen if the report never arrived? I paid RM 9.45 for nothing man! NOTHING! My horrible baby is MIA!


So I paid a visit to the Pos Besar Alor Setar, and they told me to go here and there and I even went inside the 'authorized personnel only' section. Thank God that all the workers are really nice, therefore, I didn't get scold. The relief settles in when the workers told me that the parcel has arrived on 29th and signed by Faradila. Is she our lecturer? Faradila? Who is she? Why did she keep my report when I have already stated to whom should the parce be with. I write Miss Ayu's name is CAPITAL LETTER for god sake! Why she didn't give it to Miss Ayu?

I tols Miss Ayu that the parcel has arrived and signed by Faradila and she said she will check it. But still, I have to re-print my horrible baby and bring it to college. What is the point of sending it early when it didn't even reach the intended person?


Please pray that Miss Faradila did have my report and by chance, she had FORGOTTEN to give it to Miss Ayu. Please pray that my horibble baby and my jurnal is already there in the college or I will lose it!

okay then folks...

See you when we'll see you!

2 critics:

Nabil JD said...

relax2, sampai la report tu nanti. hehehehee...

Crayzee Writers said...

powerangers said

folo me, keh?
deep breath in... deep breath out...
deep breath in... deep breath out...
now i wan u 2 kool urself b4 u'll take ur heart out
n.j is rite.
giv it a time, it'll surely arrive, owait?
besides u'll get 2 send ur report on d 4th, neway

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