Thursday, March 19, 2009

Earth Hour


Bored, prongsie? Ekeke... I'm sorry for you...

I think Boredom's like that little insects that eat woods. They eat our house as well. I don't know what they're called in English, but in Malay, it's called 'anai-anai'. They silently kill our house like boredom which silently kills us.

Bad metaphor? *winces* Like I care...

This is an add that I’ve found. It's everywhere these days and you should do well to SUPPORT it! Support the Earth Hour 2009!

Do I hear someone asking how? Well, ladies and gentleman, it’s fairly simple. On 28th March 2009, and at 8.30 pm, you got to switch off all of the lights in your house (yes, stay in the dark, folks. Oh, come on. It’s not that bad…) for merely an hour. Just an hour, and that’s it!

What should you be doing??!! You’re asking me? Oho! Just do whatever it is that you will be doing when there’s no electricity in your neighborhood. xD Day dream (in this case, night dream), sulk, take a shower, play with your hair… Brilliant isn’t it! Oh, and as for me? I’ll do my most favorite activity in the whole wide world… Zzzz… Spectacular!

Well, you get my drift.

So, support it, all right! Consider this the only redemption that you would get for all of the s**t that you have done to our mother earth… (peeing for instance… Lol)

You’re really into it? Good! Then go visit this site Offers you a bucketful of info of this thingy. Well act, dearies!




*pinches nose bridge*





Argh! Sorry, folks! You know, I've got nothing to say... Well, I have. But I couldn't damn well to remember it... Oh, Gosh.. *pokes own head*

Shoot me.

Well, then. Talk to you later, I guess...

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