Sunday, July 19, 2009




Exactly that, it was deafening. The first time when it happened. Sounds of bus tires screeching, engine rolling of the bus that you were about to board; Transnational Express, puffy smoke from the bus itself or from the passersby; dying themselves out with a heave or two of Dunhill. Probably even Pallmall and Winston. The air was stiffly hot, what with the heat from the busses or from the fact that you were standing on the ground floor of a bus station. Stuck there and no other ways to escape since you have to get on the bus by 8.30 or you’ll have to face dad soon. The atmosphere was really making you dizzy by the second. Wrinkling your nose, and that was when you turn to him.


You stared at him, admittedly, greedily, drinking the sight that you missed the most 24/7 since you both first declared. Seriously. You missed him day and night and the fact that both of you live 223 km apart didn’t help at all. One a city savvy and the other a plain country being through and through. Not exactly a good match, now that you think about it, but during that time, it simply didn’t matter. Everything else didn’t matter. The actuality that you lied to your parents just to see him didn’t matter. The fact that you nearly caused your friend difficulties with your parents since you asked her to tell them dishonesty didn’t matter because you just had to see him. Problems that will arise, you’ll deal with it only when it comes under your nose, and since that is your motto anyway. Whatever happens will happen and you just have to deal with it one by one. A good motto, you always thought, but could only be applied with certain standards, it seems.

He was watching elsewhere when you were staring and you always thought how lucky you are to have him. Your first love. Since you were eleven. But it wasn’t long for you two to fully realize your feeling towards each other during that time because you moved to other state. And fate pulls its thread one day and after 8 years of broken hope and silence, he contacted you again.

You were friends. Good friends who messaged each other every day. YM-ing, MMS-ing, and phone calls were also standard acts of you two. It was fun and you HAD a lot of fun. He was funny whilst he could also be serious at the same time. He was very charming and before you knew it, he already charmed your heart for the second time in 8 years of your life. So how could you refuse when he asked for your heart the day the first time both of you met after such a long time? First look at him and you went all weak-knee. There was nothing else to do or say, even, except for the simple ‘Yes’; although you asked him to give you 2 days to think it over (when honestly, you could just say yes on the spot, really. There was nothing to think over; as head over heels fallen as you).

So there you go. Both of you had gone through a complete circle. Today was only your second date with him after 3 months of being together. You understood him, you really did. Both of you were at the tertiary level education. Assignments, projects and tutorials were a must thus explained of why you could never see each other at a weekly or even monthly basis. And here you were with him.

Today was fun and romantic. He took you to the waterfalls. Both of you took a bath in the river. He also cooked a barbeque for you. And that was it. Time flees so fast and before you know it, it was time to say goodbye. The bus’s door bust opened and you quickly took your ticket out to go on board.

He turned to you. And the smoldering look that he gave suggested that he was as reluctant to say goodbye as you were.

“I’m gonna miss you,” he said. And you, being the frail being that you are, felt like your legs had been turned into marshmallow.

“I’ll miss you too,” you managed to let out in between frantic heartbeats and incoherent breathings. He took your right hand and you knew that he would do it even before he did it.

He kissed your hand.

You smiled even when your heart felt like it was about to burst. Tears were already a pool in your eyes and you tried your best not to let them fall. You refused to let go of his hand; the one that holding yours and you started to think of any way, any way at all that you could simply postpone your bus ride to tomorrow. You really wanted to spend your time with him. You really, really did.

You looked down to hide your eyes and your left hand was clenching your bag until it felt like it had turned white already.

And then, suddenly…

You were in his arms.

You didn’t even have time to blink. One minute you were looking down and the next second you were overlooking from the right plane of his wide shoulder.

3 seconds, and that was all it took.

And through those 3 seconds, various images flashed through your eyes. You and him when you were both eleven, how it felt like when you moved away, how it felt like these 8 years of nothingness, him when you both met again after 8 years, him asking for your heart. And you could feel that, during that moment, even if he asked you to marry him at that very time and minute, you would even say yes. You could see the whole future ahead of you with him and him only. Nobody else 's could ever interfere, for it was just the both of you. Forever.

How very wrong you were.


Do you think it's possible to hate someone of whom you feel that you really can't live without? That is exactly how I feel about someone. I truly hate ... sometimes, but at times, I realize that without ... , I really won't have the courage to carry on. Especially at this stage of my life.

That that, folks!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Stuck in the Past...


Sometimes past is a good way to look back and see how you have progressed or matured by year. For those who have skeleton in their closet, past is something that they did not want to come across during their happy-future day. For me, past is something that I do not want to remember, that is, if the past was a bleak or rather rotten and grotesque memory that one wants to permanently delete from their life.

Well, my past is haunting me now. I am about to forget it all but then again, the ghost from the past always come to haunt the present.


Thursday, July 9, 2009



Oh, God..

It's in the middle of vertigo here... Nobody has been coming lately and it's all because of my disgusting idle habit...

Dear my idle self...
Go away, please!! Shoo!


Of nearly 2 weeks being here.. The pace that I have to keep up.. I seriously hope I have the strength to carry on. This is only 2 weeks! Not yet 2 semesters, or even 2 years. All the lectures and classes that I've been in, they all spoke of the same basis:


Bullshit, you know..

No, No! I didn't mean me being here is bullshit. It's just that.. just quit talking of the same thing. We're humans too, you know.. Don't expect too much of us. This semester is better, yes, but there are possibilities that we're gonna stumble now and then.

This is getting tiring..

Home's so far away... I could still smell the lingering scent of my house's evergreen lawn.. My bed.. I have expected of all this. I know what I put myself into when I sent myself here, but still it comes as a shock.
  • The size. It's humungous. (also not an element that I should be surprised on. College is not that big, anyway. Thank God there're buses).
  • The intake. (It's 3000++ in total. How many was the intake in the college, again? 200?)
  • The room. (My first impression was, "Oh, my... Can i really live in here? It's so gloomy. That was 2 weeks ago and in the two weeks after, my answer is, "Yes, I can" =)
  • APEX (Not this again..)
  • The food. (So cheap! I remembered buying nasi, ikan keli masak sambal. Total? RM2.30. (O_o)
  • The students, me excluded. (Like I said in the earlier post, they all seems capable of anything. And I do mean ANYTHING. They all speaks English at ALL times and it even seems like an anomaly to speak the language we usually use).
  • The system. (Complicated as hell. College's system is much more easier. To register for the subjects only, I have to renew my slip for 3 times in a row. Then the confusion of whether or not should I take minor this semester. I've sought advice from 3 different person and they all said of 3 different things. Useless. So then I act with a lot of 'Meh!' on the minor thingy and decides to take it next semester).

And for being here in just 2 weeks, I already have a disturbing problem.

I need to stay in the hostel throughout my 3 years in USM!

And why is that a problem? You have to gain these Unit Desa in order to stay in. And I HAVE to stay in, but I am not that active in anything!

Fine, I don't have a life. So what.

So then I've tried out in many things already.

  1. SUKSIS - Unsuccessful (They kick me out before I even got a chance to go to the interview. Ugh.. Dung a**..)
  2. CONVEX - I've gone thru their interview (the 1st interview in my entire life!) and I dunno wat to say.. Just have to wait for the result).
  3. Interpreneur Club - This club also enacles me to gain my Unit Desa. But I don't know what to expect since I just signed in my name. Also needs to wait for the result.
  4. PBSM - Already in, but it's not my first choice. So... =(

Classes... Classes... Eh...
Ah~ Fine, la.. Intro to Literature, Academic English and Spanish on Monday. Academic English again and tutorial on Tuesday, Spanish on Wednesday, Theories of whatnot (I don't remember the name of the subject.. theehee..), Report Writing and whatnot (also lost in my memories..) and Enterpreneurship Studies on Thursday... And I don't have any class on Friday.

*takes a breather*

Oh, yeah! On a lighter mood, I just HAVE to share this with you.

My boys have all grown up... They're so handsome...
I sound like a mom, am I? Well, it's true. I'm so proud.. *sniff*

DBSK - Beautiful Thing

It's feel like
beautiful thing
Below the moon’s shadow
The wind whispers in my ear
Where will it take me
Making the night turn white
A spirit that walks on clouds
Till the dawn comes
Till the night goes to sleep

Time of love, Oh my life
When will be the chosen day
There is nothing in this world
That is not beautiful
For one to know everything in a lifetime
It’s too short of a trip

Though the seasons will come again
Time also passes
Life’s faint light allow
Only the memories remain
I am thankful for each day
So I put my hands together in a small prayer
Everything that is hidden in lies
May I love please

That's that, people..

Saturday, July 4, 2009


University is a confusing place
You could get lost in it...
(especially for Semester 1, Year 1 students)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Excuse Me


It's been... seriously and extremely hectic these last 7 days of the week. Long traveling period, tiring registration day and all... It's been... Well, tiring... (+_+)

And I'm sorry for neglecting this blog for so long. It's not because of lack of idea, and it's not because I don't have the mood to update, but as I said; it's been very, very busy for me. All these new environments make me feels a little bit intimidate of it. Everyone else seems so sure, so certain. But me, I'm still hanging to be honest. Self-confidence seems to have left me far behind.

But duh... it's me who have to keep up the pace, isn't it? So, please wish me all the best. I'll try my hardest (^_^)

Well then this is a poem I wrote a week ago. There's no story for you. I'm sorry. I have one, but ideas are not on my side this time. But I'll finish it for sure! ^^

Excuse me
If I'm at wrong
There might be things
That I've said
That I've done
Has you upset somehow
Your brows are wrinkled
You're seizing me up
Your eyes are on mine
Words fail you
So that's what you do
Your face has a big 'why?'
I've thorn you apart, haven't I?
So excuse me
Forgive me
I was so wrong
Delusions agitated me
Perseverance dominated me
Makes me forget you
Ignores you
I was weak
Desires overwhelmed me
Greed lost me
But I am human
Mistakes are my nature
So excuse me
Forgive my wrongs
Accept me as I am
That's all that I am to you
That's all that I am to all others

And that's that!